Large Whale Bone - Manaia/Pekapeka - Ki Tonu i te Hari - Fullness of joy (NZ Shipping only)

Sale Price:$3,500.00 Original Price:$3,800.00

Dear friend, Kia Ora

This large taonga is named Ki Tonu i te Hari. This name means fullness of joy. There are many levels of meaning within this design. Held within the symbols and structure of this carving are meanings of love, respect, and spiritual growth. The overall style incorporates an ambiguity of the Manaia and Pekapeka style of Taonga. These two forms are very closely related. I have heard references that Pekapeka are a class of Manaia.

The wings give flight. This represents rising above the mundane and seeing the true essence of our human life. They represent the great love on one side and wisdom on the other. We need both to fly. The wings contain three main elements on each side. Together they represent the sense of wholeness. The four korus upon the wings depict the four points of the compass. As such, this represents great freedom.

The eyes are inlays of Pāua. The depth in the eyes refract the light from different angles. This is akin with seeing things from their differing perspectives.

At a base level, the two Manaia represent a coming together of two beings. The bliss of union and love. This cumulates in the wholeness which is where the wings meet in the middle of the Taonga. At another level, this represents the union of our heart with our Creator.

The Koru running along the main bodies of the Manaia on the front, symbolise the external journey. The markings in-between show that each aspect of our journey is interconnected. There is a pounamu inlay that resides in the centre of a brass circle in the middle of the Taonga. This is symbolic of being held within the protection of a great field of love. Arohamai, pure love that is only available from one source. One the back there is a similar inlay of pāua on the main body of the carving. This represents our ultimate purpose.

(Please note: that due to customs regulations, this item can only be shipped to addressess within NZ).

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Dear friend, Kia Ora

This large taonga is named Ki Tonu i te Hari. This name means fullness of joy. There are many levels of meaning within this design. Held within the symbols and structure of this carving are meanings of love, respect, and spiritual growth. The overall style incorporates an ambiguity of the Manaia and Pekapeka style of Taonga. These two forms are very closely related. I have heard references that Pekapeka are a class of Manaia.

The wings give flight. This represents rising above the mundane and seeing the true essence of our human life. They represent the great love on one side and wisdom on the other. We need both to fly. The wings contain three main elements on each side. Together they represent the sense of wholeness. The four korus upon the wings depict the four points of the compass. As such, this represents great freedom.

The eyes are inlays of Pāua. The depth in the eyes refract the light from different angles. This is akin with seeing things from their differing perspectives.

At a base level, the two Manaia represent a coming together of two beings. The bliss of union and love. This cumulates in the wholeness which is where the wings meet in the middle of the Taonga. At another level, this represents the union of our heart with our Creator.

The Koru running along the main bodies of the Manaia on the front, symbolise the external journey. The markings in-between show that each aspect of our journey is interconnected. There is a pounamu inlay that resides in the centre of a brass circle in the middle of the Taonga. This is symbolic of being held within the protection of a great field of love. Arohamai, pure love that is only available from one source. One the back there is a similar inlay of pāua on the main body of the carving. This represents our ultimate purpose.

(Please note: that due to customs regulations, this item can only be shipped to addressess within NZ).

Dear friend, Kia Ora

This large taonga is named Ki Tonu i te Hari. This name means fullness of joy. There are many levels of meaning within this design. Held within the symbols and structure of this carving are meanings of love, respect, and spiritual growth. The overall style incorporates an ambiguity of the Manaia and Pekapeka style of Taonga. These two forms are very closely related. I have heard references that Pekapeka are a class of Manaia.

The wings give flight. This represents rising above the mundane and seeing the true essence of our human life. They represent the great love on one side and wisdom on the other. We need both to fly. The wings contain three main elements on each side. Together they represent the sense of wholeness. The four korus upon the wings depict the four points of the compass. As such, this represents great freedom.

The eyes are inlays of Pāua. The depth in the eyes refract the light from different angles. This is akin with seeing things from their differing perspectives.

At a base level, the two Manaia represent a coming together of two beings. The bliss of union and love. This cumulates in the wholeness which is where the wings meet in the middle of the Taonga. At another level, this represents the union of our heart with our Creator.

The Koru running along the main bodies of the Manaia on the front, symbolise the external journey. The markings in-between show that each aspect of our journey is interconnected. There is a pounamu inlay that resides in the centre of a brass circle in the middle of the Taonga. This is symbolic of being held within the protection of a great field of love. Arohamai, pure love that is only available from one source. One the back there is a similar inlay of pāua on the main body of the carving. This represents our ultimate purpose.

(Please note: that due to customs regulations, this item can only be shipped to addressess within NZ).

This carving comes with a certificate of authenticity and has been registered in my database of work. I sincerely hope you like the taonga enjoy the various layers of meaning imbued in this creation. I wish you and your family the deepest peace and happiness.


Andrew Doughty

Database Reference: 100-690

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